In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
As the blessed month of Ramadan commences, on behalf of Board Members, Management and entire staff of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) I convey our congratulations and warm wishes to all Muslims across our beloved nation. This sacred month is a time of profound spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and renewed devotion to Allah (SWT). It is a period when the doors of mercy and forgiveness are wide open, and the rewards for good deeds are multiplied.
Ramadan is not only a time for fasting and prayer but also an opportunity for us to strengthen our bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood, to show compassion to the less privileged, and to seek Allah’s guidance in all our endeavors. Let us use this month to purify our hearts, renew our intentions, and strive for excellence in our worship and daily conduct.
At the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), we remain committed to serving the Muslim Ummah and ensuring that they fulfill their spiritual needs of making the sacred Hajj. It is in the light of this that a period of grace is given to enable intending pilgrims register and make payments for their participation in the 2025 Hajj. We pray that Allah (SWT) grants us the strength and wisdom to fulfill our responsibilities for the betterment of our communities.
I enjoin us all to rid ourselves of negativity that may hold back our progress as a nation, and to fast with all sincerity, seeking increased blessings for our nation and its leaders. Let us also pray for the success of this year’s Hajj operations and for the safety and well-being of all pilgrims.
May Allah (SWT) bless us all and grant us the strength to maximize the blessings of this holy month.
Ramadan Mubarak!
Professor Abdullahi Saleh Usman